New forums live
Hey everyone!
Today we launched our new forums. Fedor worked hard on making this change happen. We've migrated all the old posts so they will not get lost. This forum will contain sections for alliances! You can request your alliance forum here .
Let us know what you think about this change in the comments.
We are running the latest version of nodeBB! Which means you're now also able to use markdown in your posts:
global.hellowWorld = function() { console.log("Hellow world!"); }
Looks nice!
Very very NICE! THX Fedor!
very shiny
@dissi-mark The forum link on the homepage still takes me to the old forums.
@hyramgraff - try doing a hard refresh of the site to clear the cache. The screeps website has it's cache set ridiculously high for its HTML pages so it's really easy to end up with stale versions of the site.
@tedivm Thanks, that fixed it for me.