PTR Changelog 2017-09-14: WebGL renderer (WIP)
Great work guys!
Are badges and mineral icons supposed to be missing at the moment, or is this a bug?
@tedivm judging by the code, I would say they aren't fully implemented yet. They did mention some stuff is still missing and being worked on.
@ags131 yeah, that was my assumption but I felt it was worth bringing up in case I was assuming wrong
Runs nicely on firefox. Excellent!
I kinda like the creep being spawned appearing on top of the spawner. Can we keep that part?
I don't see room map at all -- haven't changed any settings yet -- I see word map, but when I click on a room, I get code editor in full screen, not even "code/console/memory" tabs.
I did "empty cache and hard reload" in chrome (Version 60.0.3112.113 (Official Build) (64-bit)).
Works great on the same machine in Opera 47.0.2631.80 (PGO).
BTW, Chrome is broken the same way even when I go back to main server now (with more hard reloads).
The sim on PTR is broken now. When it starts the controller isn't claimed, the "choose location" prompt for the first spawn isn't active, and even if you claim the controller and place a spawn the pause button is grayed out.
@tedivm said in PTR Changelog 2017-09-14: WebGL renderer (WIP):
The sim on PTR is broken now. When it starts the controller isn't claimed, the "choose location" prompt for the first spawn isn't active, and even if you claim the controller and place a spawn the pause button is grayed out.
@unfleshedone said in PTR Changelog 2017-09-14: WebGL renderer (WIP):
Works great on the same machine in Opera 47.0.2631.80 (PGO).
BTW, Chrome is broken the same way even when I go back to main server now (with more hard reloads).
Any console errors?
@artch no console errors, but game-field-container element has width of 0 (and what looks like full window height).
< div class="game-field-container" ng:class="{'pan-active': Room.panActive}" >
Also works fine on the same machine in Vivaldi 1.10.867.38 (Stable channel) (32-bit).
I have Screeps-SC extension in broken browser (, but disabling it doesn't change anything.
This post is deleted!
@fedor I have tried now again and don't see the problem anymore ... in the meantime chrome updated itself to 61 so I don't know if it's related.
Since you are not looking about specific bug reports about details I'm not adding any .. just let us now if you want to have something specific tested .)
I'm seeing an error in the sim where the creeps are jerking around a bit -
This is on Chrome (completely up to date).
Is there anything preventing the unfinished (optional) renderer from going live other than being in an incomplete state? The "experimental" label next to the checkbox
is self evident of incompleteness, and should reduce unnecessary feedback.
The only reason I care is because the performance is SO GOOD
even in its incomplete state compared to the existing technique. Toggling back and forth between both rendering methods seems to have no impact.
I have seen the jerky creep behaviour on PTR that @tedivm showed only when bringing that tab back to focus, however it returns to a stable state in less than 2 seconds, often before the next actual tick. (Chrome Version 61.0.3163.91 (Official Build) (64-bit) )
Is the new renderer entirely client side, or is there a server impact that prevents releasing it??
@mashee We're not going to delay this feature for too long. Once we have all major basic features implemented (listed in the first post here), it will be deployed to production. We expect it to happen within two weeks.
@artch That is all kinds of awesome.
currently getting a upgrade notice on the ptr that I can't get rid of (tried all keyboard combos and even disabling all caches in chrome development tools)
also getting an error:
build.min.js?bust=1506510255327:1 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: a.setTerrain is not a function at build.min.js?bust=1506510255327:1 at <anonymous>
It is amazing how much less battery is used by the client when in WebGL mode. I am very, very happy with the performance difference. I've been sitting outside with the client running in the background and my laptop fans haven't even turned on (with the older client it would literally blast the fans at max).
I'm also having massive improvements in CPU efficiency. Normally while having screeps open I could not properly play another game without stutters every tick update. With the webgl version I still get solid FPS's in other games.
I found out by accident yesterday that portals are not yet rendered in the new client.
A new patch has been deployed to the PTR! It includes display and animation of more objects, improved landscape visualization and lighting effects. See how it looks in this GIF:
Only a few minor improvements and bug fixes are remaining. We expect to deploy it to production on the next week.