Heya guys,
I've got a few really blunt opinions on this topic, as they're the reason I've lost interest in the game.
: Their consequence varies from person to person.
- Running someone elses code as your mainstay on the official servers is complete ass. I don't have a solution for this. Just know that deep down I think you're feeble-garbage if you do.
- I firmly believe Screeps has an incidence of this at well over 50% (rounded waay down!!!) of the player base on the official server. Tiny tweaks are NOT personalisation. You're a fraud.
- Any claim that you're "learning" on the official server from using a pre-built bot is a complete and undeniable lie. You're a liar, a fraud, and a bit crap. You own an iPhone and an xBox. I'm going to go full VW Peter Stormare on your tricked-out-ride. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6Dx9MhrqcE
- This is a personal challenge game. Sure, that's not explicit, nor enforceable, you can join guilds, do as you please etc... but using someone elses code is a flag that indicates you're not qualified MENTALLY or SOCIALLY for the game. Have some pride...The simple fact that you're not to run multiple accounts is a dev-enforcement of this personal-challenge-theme, which I highly approve of.
- NCP ?? That political correctness gone mad. Yes, I believe there is no place for such a player. No, I don't care if it's for your kids, your wife, your friend, or what-not. Don't care. Not everything has to be, nor is, accessible by everyone in the MENTAL REALM. Get out of my playground, I'm here because I want to get AWAY from those who don't have the capacity to DO THIS.
Well with that vote-downiness being said, I've abandoned the game purely because my observation was that it seemed 90% of the surrounding players at any given location I spawned were using code they didn't build. For me, that's not good enough. They're not challenging opponents, or if they are, it's because of brute-force-GCL or numbers (guild attacks etc ).
My code never matured beyond what I'd consider "intermediate entry level" (holy smoke it's garbage code!!) , but I lost interest at such a low level because what I'd accomplished seemed to be waaaayyy above-average. Understand that average is really low quality bot garbage.
Sharing your hard work is FUN, and you should be proud. There is sharing, and there's spoon-feeding. Here's a great example of SHARING: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=937040772 This guy has shown what he's coded, and explained how it works. It's up to the player to duplicate, modify, or improve on the concept. Simply releasing the code would have sucked..
Post videos of your hard work guys. They're super cool. Code is not.