Draft: Seasonal server
@shibdib Your lifetime subscription will unlock full CPU on the seasonal server. Entrance fee has nothing to do with CPU, it just gives you access to the season.
Can a Token be a way to buy into a season?
@artch said in Draft: Seasonal server:
Your lifetime subscription will unlock full CPU on the seasonal server. Entrance fee has nothing to do with CPU, it just gives you access to the season.
I want to see if I have this right. We have to have bought the base Screeps game, plus also purchase access to the Seasonal server? If you want more than 20 CPU in either the MMO server or the Seasonal server you also need to buy a CPU subscription?
I am assuming people will need more than 20 CPU to be competitive on the seasonal server, correct?
@artch said in Draft: Seasonal server:
@shibdib Your lifetime subscription will unlock full CPU on the seasonal server. Entrance fee has nothing to do with CPU, it just gives you access to the season.
So I get full CPU but still have to buy access? So I'm paying twice for the same game (everything you're selling here is already being done on private servers).
I love the idea of seasonal servers and think they're a long time coming. But that implementation just seems like you're nickle and diming users.
I think you're misrepresenting their reasoning.
Screeps Inc thinks they can serve the communities desire for a flavored seasonal server better than ScreepsPlus can. They've been reluctant to try before now because of the effort involved. An official clone of the ScreepsPlus seasonal server wouldn't really be worth it (and possibly risky optics). If they're going to compete with ScreepsPlus's seasonal server they need to make it better. They've defined better as resurrecting the World Review and adding seasonal flavors. They're checking with the community if they're OK with this. Would you pay for a better version of ScreepsPlus's season server?
They've been very consistent in their view on the CPU subs. You buy screeps to get access to the client which gives you access to private servers. If the community 3d clients every stabilize you wouldn't even need to do that. The CPU sub is the player paying for time on the Screeps servers whether that MMO or whatever. However Screeps Arena pricing plays out we will not need another CPU sub.
I think this confusion is partially why they're considering a Screeps Seasonal product. To help everyone grok that we buy the games and server time separately.
My feelings:
ScreepsPlus doesn't do flavors. We totally could. Custom leader boards aren't that hard. We could launch a World Review on ScreepsPlus. But we haven't. Would you bump up ScreepsPlus's patreon a bit if AGS agreed to do these things?
My hopes:
I'd like Screeps to offer services that don't make sense for the entire community but would work at a premium tier. Nickel and Dimeing? Kinda, but kinda ala cart. I'd love an official Logging and Monitoring feature, but few others do.
I'd also hope that Screeps Seasonal would add deeper changes or custom API tweaks eventually. ScreepsPlus could alter constants, or crank up the invader rate, etc. But I'd love something like all Swamps are lava and damage creeps and structures. Or a new
bodypart. These would be really hard to do well with mods on ScreepsPlus.
I want to see if I have this right. We have to have bought the base Screeps game, plus also purchase access to the Seasonal server? If you want more than 20 CPU in either the MMO server or the Seasonal server you also need to buy a CPU subscription?
That's correct.
I am assuming people will need more than 20 CPU to be competitive on the seasonal server, correct?
Not sure about this. Probably we can make two shards and two season rating leaderboards - for subscribed and non-subscribed players. But it's not decided yet.
@shibdib Please read the first post in full, it's all explained there including our reasoning for such pricing, see Marketing section. Without this fee, the seasonal server idea will not work.
While I generally like the idea of seasonal servers, I don't truly agree with the pricing model right there. Namely, having to pay for both access and cpu sub to be competitive not only sounds like pay-to-win, but also like double dipping to me. It just feels... wrong.
Here's my ideas on how you could go about this to make it a bit more fair to everyone:
- Drop the cpu sub effect on seasonal shards. Leave it to be MMO specific, and allow everyone on the seasonal shards pay for entry, and have a specific cpu limit (say 100 for everyone). This puts everyone on equal footing (isn't that the goal for the seasonal servers?). Adjust the access cost/seasons pass accordingly, if needed.
- Keep the sub cpu effect, but create completely separate shards for cpu-unlimited (normal 300 cpu cap) and 20-cpu shard, each with their own, separate leaderboards. This way we'll have equal footing for the subscribers and non-subscribers, leaving them to compete against their equals. Maybe even have separate goals for each of the shards?
@orlet The option 2 is something that we're considering and that I mentioned in the previous post.
I am totally in favour of a seasonal server - I've been waiting for this for a long time.
However, like others I feel the pricing is a bit strange - you really run the risk of making this feel like double-charging. @Orlet has excellent suggestions there.
I understand why you would want to tie-in with the persistent game and help promote it, but I think you should seriously consider option 1 to just completely avoid the double-charging issue completely. If you do go for option 2 you are going to have to think very carefully about your marketing.
There is another issue I would like to raise here. I personally have an issue with subscription services and prefer to only buy lifetime subscriptions or not at all. Are you considering any kind of lifetime membership for the seasonal servers? Also, what about players who are only interested in the seasonal servers? It seems strange that you can't buy access to the high CPU seasonal server without also getting access to the persistent servers.
Personally I would choose to give up access to the persistent servers and only run on the seasonal servers, given the choice. Perhaps you've deliberately designed the pricing to prevent that. But it might be nice to have the choice. The lifetime subscription was quite an expense and I'm not really happy about possibly having to pay similar again for the seasonal access.
Another suggestion would be to have a fixed CPU limit on the seasonal server (say 100 CPU) and give players a choice of how to access it:
- Sacrifice 100 CPU on the persistent servers and allocate it to the seasonal server (with no other costs to access the seasonal server)
- Pay for one season of full CPU. No persistent subscription required. If the player also has a subscription on the persistent servers then it is unaffected.
@systemparadox Please take into consideration that the CPU expenses is not everything. We're going to provide unique content for every season and also spend a lot of time making the chronicle, videos and reviews during the season. This work should be paid somehow as well. If you switched your CPU from the persistent server to the seasonal server, well okay, it covers the server cost, but it doesn't contribute to our expenses in this other area.
I would hope that the time spent on the chronicle, videos, etc would turn out to be really good marketing for you and end up paying for itself. Obviously that may or may not be the reality but I'm sure we all wish for screeps continued success
The unique content is an interesting one. I'd be really happy with just a seasonal version of the current game. But ranked goals and interesting challenges is a pretty exciting prospect too!
@systemparadox said in Draft: Seasonal server:
I would hope that the time spent on the chronicle, videos, etc would turn out to be really good marketing for you and end up paying for itself. Obviously that may or may not be the reality but I'm sure we all wish for screeps continued success
Unfortunately, we don't have resources to invest into marketing this way, and we have to consider this seasonal project paid work rather than investment. We're a lean startup with a small team and no outside funding.
@artch said in Draft: Seasonal server:
@systemparadox said in Draft: Seasonal server:
I would hope that the time spent on the chronicle, videos, etc would turn out to be really good marketing for you and end up paying for itself. Obviously that may or may not be the reality but I'm sure we all wish for screeps continued success
Unfortunately, we don't have resources to invest into marketing this way, and we have to consider this seasonal project paid work rather than investment. We're a lean startup with a small team and no outside funding.
Semi off topic, has outside funding been looked for? I'd imagine outside of the usual game investors you'd be able to sell the product well to educational groups, etc..
@shibdib Yes, we have looked into that.
One more additional reason for selling season entrance fee: we may set up a reward for best players in the season. Say, 1 Subscription Token for everyone in season TOP-X.
@artch said in Draft: Seasonal server:
One more additional reason for selling season entrance fee: we may set up a reward for best players in the season. Say, 1 Subscription Token for everyone in season TOP-X.
Nice idea!
I'd like some stuff my creeps on MMO could show off instead
Like a banner or something!
@artch said in Draft: Seasonal server:
This can be a content event like "go there, do that, fight with this thing, gather that thing and gain season score points". It will last during the entire season and will be unique for every season. This will be the primary metric for generating the leaderboard; common GCL and GPL metrics will be either removed or made secondary.
I think racing others over GCL, GPL or a combination could be pretty fun, I would definitely not appreciate it being removed. It also flies well with seeing how existing bots, in it's current state, perform relative to others. To be honest I still have many things to implement on the game as is, getting yet more stuff to program for seasonal content doesn't sound all that attractive to me, especially if it would just be temporary code for just that one season. I will probably not bother at all in that case and focus on stuff that has continued value and use.
As a side note I think for the regular servers it could be nice to have more forms of ranking/achievements also. Perhaps work on the seasonal game could bring some things over to the regular servers.
Can we get any update on this devs? What's the conclusion based on the poll results and how are you going to proceed forward?