How will Battle Arena work?
About a year ago, a concept was stated for a "battle arena" mode where players could send creeps through a teleporter into an instanced room for a fight with other creeps. It was recently brought up again, so I'm wondering what the current plan for the implementation is.
it had sounded like two (or more) players playing on a private server style map. If it is just about sending an army to fight in a single room or something, that limits the complexity greatly. Probably limited to who threw the most energy/boosts at their army.
The Screeps Arena will be a totally separate game mode, like Starcraft, where you can use the matchmaking mechanism to find an opponent (manually in lobby/via invites, or automatically non-stop), and gain Arena points for battles. The Arena will be available even for players who aren't spawned in the world, and/or don't have active CPU subscription.
More details coming in 2018, this concept is still in early design stage.
Well that sounds awesomer!
Something like a wager system would be a awesome addition to that.
Gambling galore lol
@artch Will the mode be based entirely on creep vs creep action, or will it involve base building under separate rules?
@crusher48 There will be different modes, challenges and goals, involving creep actions, base building, and even cooperating on some PvE goal.
That sounds absolutely amazing. Cannot wait.
Wow! That sounds really awesome!
Would also like to add that I think battle arena in this new form sounds great. I think it is really healthy for the screeps ecosystem that it grows beyond the public server!
Cant wait!
This sounds awesome.
Personally I would rather have this feature than power creeps.
@stevetrov It's not just a feature, but a huge separate game with its own design, hardware, marketing and maybe even pricing.
So it doesn't connect to the screeps world in any way then?
@gankdalf No, all what they share is player accounts. That being said, again, this is a very early concept, so I'm not really ready to go into details here.
@stevetrov It's not just a feature, but a huge separate game with its own design, hardware, marketing and maybe even pricing.
@artch Fair enough, but I understand your developer time is very limited and this feature gets me excited in a way that power creeps and contracts do not.
However, if you are planning to implement it as a new game... Then that is a different situation.
IMO this should be ahead of contracts and power creeps in the development priority.
The game needs a seasonal-ish shard or "arena".
And charging more to use it will probably kill half your player base that has been paying a sub for screeps.