
  • Not sure if this is a good idea or not and what its impacts on gameplay might be.

    I'm thinking something like:

    Heals all friendly creeps within 3 squares range with 1-2-4 hits (depending on the range).

  • Culture

    I think this is a good idea, but keep it limited to a range of 1 square to keep balance in check.

    An idea to keep it balanced would be to boost the range of rangedMassHeal by boosting the creep. 

  • Culture

    I think it would be more interesting if it applied to *any* creep, not just friendly creeps.

  • CoPS

    I like @tedivm's suggestion of healing any nearby creep, not just your own. It creates some inter-player actions, like healing an ally, and an element of coding logic becomes required to avoid healing opponents.


    Although I'm not sure if healing or likewise defensive actions need any improvement.