Allow us to set our own market description, or give us better ones

  • Culture

    Right now the description for all market transactions are "Resources sold via market order" or "Market fee".

    It would be much better if we could see what resource, what room, what price and the quantity-

    "Sold 3000 U at 1.1 credit per to room E33N33 from W42S10"

    - or if we could just set this description ourselves using the market api.

  • Dev Team

    You can see all this info by hovering on the question mark to the right of the label.

  • Culture

    No I can't- that question mark doesn't do anything for me at all. I'm running the latest version of Chrome if that helps.

  • Works here, using chrome Version 53.0.2785.116 m on windows 10 x64

  • Culture

    My bad. I was assuming this was a javascript overlay and would be a bit more responsive, but it looks like it's a title field or something and requires me to hover over longer than expected so I thought it wasn't working.