Changelog 2018-12-14
@duckymirror Any idea how to reproduce this?
First of all, I'm using Firefox 64.0 on Windows 10 64-bit.
- Go to the market page.
- Click any resource (here XKH2O)
- Click a room name in the order (Here buying order from room E19S49 on shard 3)
- Enjoy a mix of room view and market interface.
I hope you can see the screenshots. I'm not sure.
@duckymirror I think I can reproduce this (or something similar). Thanks for the report, we'll take a look.
@o4kapuk This seems to be almost fixed now. Only the pop-up still floats in front of the room. This would be okay if you could drag it around.
@duckymirror Could you please provide screenshots and additional data (os/browser)?
@o4kapuk The room is visible now, only the popup is still in front of it.
Again Firefox 64.0 Windows 10 64bit
@duckymirror Thanks for the report, we're working on the fix.
btw. since we have that awesome new market page now,
may I suggest to add tooltips to the compounds to show their effect/boost?
@mrfaul yes please!
I suggested that already. I still can't remember which does what and have to constantly look it up.