Changelog 2018-12-14
The Screenshot shows a Terminal.
Description: "remotely attacks or heals any creep in a room or repairs a structure"
Available: 2
But I still see a Tower in this room? What do Towers do, when the Terminals now take their job?
This is not a screenshot, it's just a picture for you to check out visual style; the picture is based on a screenshot with a tower selected; then Roman pained the 'Terminal' pic over that screenshot. That's it, please ignore everything related to towers here, this is not a hidden announce of a mechanics change, I officially claim that we don't have any plans of converting a terminal into a tower.
Wow, there are subscription token transactions now!
The new UI looks awesome too! My only problem is in the market UI: When I select any resource and click the room of an order it loads the room but keeps the market UI in front of it. You can't see the room then but select structures anway.
@duckymirror Any idea how to reproduce this?
First of all, I'm using Firefox 64.0 on Windows 10 64-bit.
- Go to the market page.
- Click any resource (here XKH2O)
- Click a room name in the order (Here buying order from room E19S49 on shard 3)
- Enjoy a mix of room view and market interface.
I hope you can see the screenshots. I'm not sure.
@duckymirror I think I can reproduce this (or something similar). Thanks for the report, we'll take a look.
@o4kapuk This seems to be almost fixed now. Only the pop-up still floats in front of the room. This would be okay if you could drag it around.
@duckymirror Could you please provide screenshots and additional data (os/browser)?
@o4kapuk The room is visible now, only the popup is still in front of it.
Again Firefox 64.0 Windows 10 64bit
@duckymirror Thanks for the report, we're working on the fix.
btw. since we have that awesome new market page now,
may I suggest to add tooltips to the compounds to show their effect/boost?
@mrfaul yes please!
I suggested that already. I still can't remember which does what and have to constantly look it up.