PTR Changelog 2017-05-04

  • Culture

    Please reduce the cooldown to 10 ticks, especially if you're already considering doing so. 50 seems really extreme, but I can totally manage 10.

    Presumably if a "deal" is made the cooldown will affect the person making the deal, and the person who put the order up will be unaffected?

  • I would like to voice my vote for 10 ticks instead of 50 as well.

    Will we still be able to run multiple deals on the same tick? 

    What about adjusting the fee based on amount? Penalize smaller shipments and reward larger (up to a point). And in big bold print in the docs. Bulk shipping deals. Or maybe just a sliding scale, for example: Reduce the cost 1% for every 1000, up to 10-25% limit.

    Do you have any numbers on what an "ideal" packet size would be? I try to move in 1000-5000 at a time. Much larger and energy calculations and reserves complicate things.

  • Dev Team

    Presumably if a “deal” is made the cooldown will affect the person making the deal, and the person who put the order up will be unaffected?


    Will we still be able to run multiple deals on the same tick?

    Using one terminal - no.

    What about adjusting the fee based on amount? Penalize smaller shipments and reward larger (up to a point). And in big bold print in the docs. Bulk shipping deals. Or maybe just a sliding scale, for example: Reduce the cost 1% for every 1000, up to 10-25% limit.

    There is no fee for the dealer.

  • @artem You're right, fee was the wrong word. I meant transfer cost.

  • Culture

    Since the goal of this is to reduce small transactions an idea came up in slack that you might consider. Instead of penalties against everyone how about a cooldown after "microtransactions" occur, which can be defines as transferring less than 1k units.

  • Dev Team

    Cooldown changed to 10 on the PTR.

  • is this an account wide limit of one deal/send every 10 ticks, or a terminal limit ?

    Meaning if I own 20 rooms with a terminal each, can I still do 2 deals per tick on average (by using all available terminals, taking cooldown into account) ?

  • Culture

    It's a per terminal limit.

  • ok, thanks for clarifying, that sounds reasonable.

  • Dev Team

    The launch date is moved to May 11.