[GCL] GCL - Circumventing the "cap" is ridiculously easy
@coteyr: you got your reasoning a bit backward: if there are too many limits and everyone is doing the samething, you will never catch up. Variety is how someone can gain some advantages and catch up.
Artem: which group of players is the cap supposed to limit growing?
It’s not like that. This limit is more about the fact that RCL8 room is considered “completed”, and you’re supposed to shift your focus to other rooms. It has very little to do with the overall GCL of the player.
What do we do with energy in those rooms?
Transfer it, obviously. Using the most effective scheme you can implement.
Artem’s idea for the root controller is interesting, but if you can change it I would just save up energy in one area until another area has put everything it has into the root and then move the root to another area. Then you want to limit how often you can move the root controller and really its just adding mechanics to be nerfed again.
A week-long cooldown is something that fits here well enough from the start.
You should really be rewarded for how efficient you are by being able to make use of every extra bit you can preserve over your neighbor.
You will be rewarded. Just come up with a way to transport all this energy to your root, and you’ll be fine. It’s a challenge which becomes more and more interesting while your empire grows.
So from now on, explicitly you are supposed to grow your empire together, and any lone room will just be a liability (broadly speaking) ?
Well, we can probably think of a concept of multiple root controllers. Say, one root for every 10 GCL.
Another thought - your lone room can sell its resources on its regional market, and you can use these credits to buy resources in your main region, since credits are shared resources. This way we present some more market activity motivation as well.
I like the idea about the "root" controller.
As I read it now:
- All rooms, except 1 room still have a hard 15 CP/tick limit, but upgrade can be above 15 RCL/tick
- The "root room" will have the unlimited energy per tick.
This solves the issue people dealing with the limit right now, and creates a nice incentive to haul energy to this room. It will automatically put an artificial limit to the amount of energy you can get to that room without a loss, the further away the more it will cost to get it there, balancing the old versus new players.
On a complete other note:
I think it might also be a good idea to get other things to dump large sums of energy in. Since I’ve switched to processing power my energy reserves have dwindled quite a bit. I think a building of some sorts which you could process energy in would be a fun way to spend energy to (upgrading walls/ramparts is just boring!). Something in the way of a super-weapon which you can charge infinitely with energy.
Even if the building is only for prestige purposes ( looks cool, customizable etc). It heightens the fun factor.
There are more than enough energy sinks in the game after you reach RCL 8, just not very "fun" ones.
Artem: thanks for the reply. I thought so about using the market too.
Realistically speaking, I can envision both case where the mechanic works out or fails. I don't think there is any way to know for sure except having it in place -- success or failure would depend on how the players adapt to it. The main risk is that being a big change affecting everyone, you really don't have much place to test it much (of course you already knew that).
All rooms, except 1 room still have a hard 15 CP/tick limit, but upgrade can be above 15 RCL/tick
No, non-root rooms simply don’t contribute to GCL at all, i.e. the limit is zero.
Something in the way of a super-weapon which you can charge infinitely with energy.
Power creeps are supposed to be such a weapon and en energy sink (with an exponential cost of course, with the same dynamic as GCL). Not just a simple and brutal weapon though, but a tool to implement some new interesting strategies.
Even if the building is only for prestige purposes ( looks cool, customizable etc). It heightens the fun factor.
Nobody will spend their energy just for fun when they can spend it for GCL and CPU.
> Nobody will spend their energy just for fun when they can spend it for GCL and CPU
I know I will
I mean, a lot of energy, the amounts that matter.
Depends on how cool it looks per tick of wasted energy, but yeah I wont undermine the power processing to keep things realisticly
> It’s not like that. This limit is more about the fact that RCL8 room is considered “completed”, and you’re supposed to shift your focus to other rooms. It has very little to do with the overall GCL of the player.
I think this is the main assumption that deserves to be looked at. Everyone seems to be discussing this cap as a way to limit large player growth (it doesn't, it limits everyone's growth), and the actual reason is something different. However, controller upgrading doesn't just increase RCL but GCL, so there is still a reason to spend resources upgrading a controller. It should be a player decision whether they decide to route energy to a new room or sink it into a fully upgraded controller, and a lot of the time routing will make a lot more sense, so the problem naturally works itself out.
That being said, the root controller sounds like a really interesting idea. It avoids what I see as the main problem with the current system, everyone eventually upgrading at the same rate. It will take some ingenuity to make the most of a controller root. As someone who has been bypassing the cap for a while now, it definitely is an interesting logistics puzzle. It definitely isn't the simplest solution, but one that might be worth doing just for the sake of it the new strategies it will inspire.
To be honest, I don't think a root controller is gonna do much if its just an unlimited cap. Rooms under RCL8 also don't have a cap, so why would I transport all that energy to a room far away, when I can just claim the room next to it and dump the energy in that room? When it reaches lvl 8 just dump that energy into a storage/terminal, unclaim the room and start drawing from the storage/terminal. If you reserve one room in your GCL to do this you can cycle through your rooms to do this. I don't see the benefit of transporting that energy to a room further away. Unless it has other benefits, like being more efficient.
>>> "No, non-root rooms simply don’t contribute to GCL at all, i.e. the limit is zero."
While I think the root controller idea is interesting, this seems very prohibitive to me. I'd be curious to see how the root controller idea works without imposing this restriction on other rooms. This allows the player to choose whether they want to live with the limit or choose to route energy to the root. Otherwise you force everyone to route energy to the root. I assume the root will usually be the newest room your are building up.
At the very least I'd request that this change would be rolled out in two updates where the first adds the root controller and the second later removes the GCL contribution of other rooms.
@heggico you wont get GCL point anymore for those rooms, only room upgrade points. Only the root controller will increase GCL for your empire.
@Dissi I missed that, yes then it would work as intended
It would limit me quite a bit since I have a few rooms spread out, but I'd be able to figure something out (I hope).
I like the idea of the root controller, but I'm not a big fan of making no GCL progress from any other room.
What if the "Root Controller" was a structure you built, limited 1 per player, buildable at RCL 8 for 1 million energy. Upgrade points put into a normal controller give half a point to GCL (in addition to upgrading the RCL at a normal amount), and points in the root controller give double.
You could even put in a danger aspect to it - If the root controller structure in a room is destroyed in any manner, you instantly lose claim in that room. That would also act as an impediment to players changing their root controller locations.
Not being able to easily move the root controller around would definitely hurt players who are more distributed (like me), but I understand that most people don't choose to spread themselves out that much.Other than that, it sounds like an interesting idea! You'd still be able to pour lots of energy into GCL, but you have to choose how you balance your empire's energy carefully, and there's more than one viable strategy for using it.
I'm not a fan of this change as is. It is going to affect the lower level players far more than the high level ones. A high level player gets a new room (GCL increase) very rarely, while the lower level players get them more often- if you look at the lower level players they tend to have more than one room below RCL8. The way this change works would only allow one of those rooms to "count" towards GCL.
I think a universal "cap" at 15/e/t combined with this "root controller" that does not have any limits would be a bit more fair.