That would explain why I got an email about being attacked all over the place.
Posts made by saturn7
RE: Getting email alerts from Source Keeper attacks
RE: Miner & container overlap - exploit?
That's a documented feature, not a bug or exploit.
If a harvester has no capacity to take the harvested energy, it falls to the ground. Containers are automatically filled with resources falling on them.
RE: Tutorial is not precise, but requires precise results
Well the tutorial (Tutorial 1) says:
"Now let's improve our code by taking the workers' behavior out into a separate module. Create a module called
with the help of the Modules section on the left of the script editor and define arun
function inside themodule.exports
object, containing the creep behavior."And in the mentioned module section/list (which is headed by the title "MODULES"), there is a text box that says "New module name...", where you can type the module name and press enter, and you have your new module.
So I wonder, at which point did the tutorial lose you?
RE: Lowering marekt fee for subscription tokens only
If you can't afford the 5% to put the subscription token, I think it's very unlikely that someone could afford your subscription token as of now.
To get the initial money, just mine all your minerals and sell them to the NPCs, except catalyst, for which there is actually some demand by the players. This should give you the credits to list your order easily.
RE: Market Credits?
No, you have to use The last argument of terminal.send is not an id, but a text description.
RE: PTR Changelog 2016-09-09
Maybe make it that safe mode has to be activated in all rooms at the same time. This would still ensure that defenders cannot be caught on surprise, but prevents any multi-room cheese.
The attacker has then 30k ticks (~24 hours) to attack any rooms of the defender. Meaning that no matter what, the attacker can also attack in his timezone.
RE: [Market] Create API method
Also caching orders is a bad idea, as players can now change the order price. With a fast method to access an order by id, we could easily check whether the price is still the same.
RE: PTR Changelog 2016-09-09
Great addition! Many Screeps players will sleep much better now
You might also want to block the attackController method for completeness.
RE: Market Credits?
Note that if you deal with an existing order, you are not charged the 5% fee. You are charged with the transfer cost in energy, though.
So to get your initial credits, you need to deal with existing buy orders. There are NPC buy orders for all basic minerals (find one close to you by the market interface), and use these to get some credits easily.
RE: Two Creeps on same tile
The same happens if an invader sits on an exit tile, and your creep enters the same tile from another room.
RE: PTR Changelog 2016-09-07
Neat! This should create more liquidity, as players can now undercut each other easily.
RE: Broken SK Rooms
The bug has been reported over a month ago, but it was never fixed:
You can even snipe the source keepers by ranged attacks, they are completely passive.
RE: [Notifications] Give us ability to turn off certain notifications
Yes, please. I actually wondered when someone will complain about that, as the notifications have become quite annoying even at GCL 6.
RE: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
Your code doesn't any recursive call, so I don't think the problem lies there (unless you modified the prototypes of the game objects).
But since findClosestByPath seems to generate a large call stack by itself, this is why the problem becomes apparent there. Try swapping it by a dummy method (e.g. sources[0]), and you should get a more informative stack trace.
RE: Privacy options to battle metagaming
+1 for hiding the steam profile, and the other things. I made my steam profile private for now, just to avert any unpleasantness, and to hide my online status.
As any competitive game, even with a great community like this, some people will get overly emotional about their losses, and your ideas will minimize the negative effect of that.
RE: [solved] How to find containers ? - when assign and concat don't mix
I somehow don't see what you use Object.assign for. Wouldn't the following do what you want?
buildings.concat( FIND_STRUCTURES, {filter : (s) => {return s.structureType == STRUCTURE_CONTAINER}} );
RE: ERR_NO_PATH when changing rooms
Are you sure that the exit (or one possible exit) is not walled off?
RE: Power Banks only spawn in center of map?
I've searched for a while, but I couldn't find any power spawns in rooms with a coordinate >40, but plenty of them in the middle.
If that's indeed intended, it's very sad, as it's not documented, and it will deprive almost all new players of the power resource.
RE: Web client room view pegging CPU/browser always
I noticed that with the new update, the towers rotate very jerkily. Before, they would rotate smoothly, but now they rotate a lot when the tick updates, and then remain still for the rest of the tick.
(I use Chrome 52.0.2743.116 m on Windows 10).
RE: [solved][JS] how to modify the property accessing mechanics of an object
The objects in the Memory are serialized, but only between ticks. Inside one tick, Memory is a prefectly normal object. It confused me too at the beginning
Edit: That's why it's important that you renew the alias inside the main function, so it's done every tick.
If you write outside a function var _alias = Memory.myGlobals, it is only executed every ~15 ticks (when the global context is reloaded), and won't work.