Tutorial is not precise, but requires precise results

  • I bought the game and wanted to play it, cause i love javascript and it seemed fun to code for such a simulation.

    But when i wanted to progress in the tutorial, i had a task which i could not complete and so i did drop the game for several weeks.

    I was in the very first tutorial where it explains how to create modules. It says "create role.harvester module". But it never mentioned how to create a module, nor did i find anything in the internet. All i had to do was to click on one of the buttons below my main.js file in the script tab and give the module a name.

    But i didnt know this. In the first place i thought i would have to past the code in the main script before my loop, what would work in casual javascript.

    After 15 Minutes playing around with the code and guessing what i should do i gave up. So i forgot the game and were not interested into solving this problem. The time passed by and i also lost my extra cpu limit which you get for 30 days when buying the game.

    I guess if someone else whould have slipped into this problem, the person may could consider to refund the game because he is still not able to play it.

  • Well the tutorial (Tutorial 1) says:

    "Now let's improve our code by taking the workers' behavior out into a separate module. Create a module called role.harvester with the help of the Modules section on the left of the script editor and define a run function inside the module.exports object, containing the creep behavior."

    And in the mentioned module section/list (which is headed by the title "MODULES"), there is a text box that says "New module name...", where you can type the module name and press enter, and you have your new module.

    So I wonder, at which point did the tutorial lose you?