Also, interShardSegment doesn’t show in the UI, is adding it planned?
Yes, some features are still missing.
Is there any chance the terrain layout of shard1 will completely (well, strong enough) differ from shard0’s one? It can be extremely interesting, if Otherworld will be more dangerous and will have some other features (smth like more Keepers, other layout generating seeds, other sources and mineral layouts etc.).
In the late-game (especially late-game) it may introduce new level of diversity, imho 
Shard 1 is going to be an expansion of Shard 0 for newcomers, it doesn’t make sense to make it more dangerous.
In future though it might be possible.
Will there eventually be a programmatic way to set this, rather than just the UI? This will be pretty important for automation.
Not planned currently.
It may be better if each shard had one segment assigned to it for shard sharing, and each other shard could only view that as a read only object. So RawMemory.shardSegments[Game.shard] would be writable, but RawMemory.sharedSegments[Game.shard+1] would be read only (assuming you’re on shard0). This would greatly reduce the complexity of intershard communication.
This way every shard should gain knowledge about every other shard in the cluster. Too tight coupling, we want to avoid such architecture. Do you think interShardSegment
 is too hard to use? What other people here say in this regard?
I don’t know if that’s a bug or just a remainder of a cloned world.
Yes, just a remainder. On the live world, shard1 will be generated from the scratch.
I barely had ~20-50TTL left on my claimer going from E3N31 -> E0N30 -> portal -> E0N20 -> E1N21
This seems fine. Creating inter-shard colonies are not supposed to be easy.
Why not just make it impossible for a creep to pass through the portals twice?
Because we don’t want it to be impossible, but rather complicated to some extent.