Screeps Arena Preorder

  • YP

    will there be a simulator to test the code locally, maybe run it against a second script?

  • Dev Team

    @w4rl0ck No. But you will be able to run non-rating games to test your code.

  • YP

    @artch I donโ€˜t really understand how debugging your script will work .. will you be able to log to console and download the log together with the game or something like that? I imagine it will be really difficult to understand whatโ€˜s going on with your creeps just by watching the game, especially for new players without experience with screeps

    Personally I donโ€˜t like to develop in big iterations .. I like to create test setups on private server / sim and work on code and test small changes... it sounds like that wonโ€˜t really work with arena.

  • @artch Have you decided how you will handle CPU? As one option, I like the idea of setting it up similar to a chess clock. Each side gets x CPU for the entire match and if you run out you lose. Also ensures these types of matches have a well defined life span and adds weight to CPU management as a strategy. Could run this as an alternative option to the existing x CPU / tick + bucket system.

  • Dev Team

    @w4rl0ck You will be able to watch console logs during the match in real time, and download them later too. However, you cannot change anything during the match, so small iterations are not possible indeed.

  • Dev Team

    @tehfiend This is a great idea, we will definitely consider it.


  • @tehfiend That is an awesome idea! It opens up endless avenues for exploring efficiency after "virtually every strategy is discovered" 5 years from now. I can see the E-Sport footage now... "Well, Steve, they are both using virtually identical quad attack squad strategies, but look at the CPU usage... I think we can see how this is going to end!"

  • YP

    @artch yeah thats what I meant .. so it's like the room history viewer but you also see the console for the tick I guess... are visuals also supported? ๐Ÿ™‚

    Maybe at a later stage a world map of different arenas could be added.. so you could challenge the current owner of an arena in a match to get ownership yourself

  • @artch But maybe run game in debug mode against two versions of your own bot? I assume competitor's bots code wouldn't be available locally?

  • Dev Team

    @w4rl0ck Room visuals are of course supported.

  • Dev Team

    @gravencrown There will be no "local" execution of arena code at all. It doesn't make much sense to bother with it in the arena setting. You will be able to run matches that last a few minutes (or even seconds) and have all debug info you need.

  • @artch Will we be able to customize the "test matches" to create specific conditions / environments that we are testing for? Would be cool if you could then save them to use as a sort of unit test.


  • Dev Team

    @tehfiend No, I don't think so. We would like to have real gaming experience instead of test-driven development and hardcoding against specific conditions and opponents. You will be able to repeat the previous game, but only once.

  • YP

    Hmm.. I thought you would be able to do non-rating games against opponents you choose .. for example by challenging people directly?

  • Dev Team

    @w4rl0ck You can do non-rating games, but you cannot choose opponents unless it's your friend that accepts an invitation.

  • YP

    I think thatโ€˜s fine .. btw do you have a rough eta for the alpha? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Dev Team

    @w4rl0ck No ETA yet. We are doing our best!


  • Hello, I'm a fan of the game and I'm looking forward to the release of closed alpha testing, unfortunately the first quarter of 2021 is coming to an end, and there was no news. Please do not wait until the last day and tell us about the development progress.

  • Dev Team

    As much as that saddens me, I must admit we have failed our timeframe Q1 2021 for alpha. Sorry folks. But we are working really hard on this. We have been doing good progress on every aspect of the development: UI/UX design, frontend, backend, and game engine. We are doing our best to show you the first playable prototype as soon as it's ready.

    Here is just a video of a real battle on a very simple arena 13 vs 13 creeps. The blue player wins in 467 ticks. This game has been processed in 13.2 seconds, it gives us 35 ticks per second here.


  • Dev Team

    We're almost done with the playable alpha of Screeps Arena. More news soon!
