Series of massive bugs: Many buildings are invisible, creeps are invisible, creeps are in invalid locations.
This is an interesting one...
Rooms including W1N31 on shard 2 show none of my buildings, and none of my creeps, and yet they can be clicked on. (see screenshot ). However, some of my creeps are in clearly invalid locations, for example:
Game.creeps["start-distribute-efc311-47"].pos [room W1N31 pos 0,0]
More creeps: here - not how multiple creeps have ended in impossible locations.
Multiple players have confirmed in the slack that they cannot see my units in these rooms - but can in e.g.E1N43. In addition, some, but not all of my roomvis calls are being rendered.
This issue is replicated:
- In the steam client
- In firefox
- In chrome
- In firefox on a different computer using my flatmates's screeps account.
- Across multiple people in the slacks views.
- in replay:
And just to add to the oddness:
_.forEach(Game.creeps, c=> {if (c.pos.x == 0 && c.pos.y == 0) { console.log(}}) [22:31:44] [shard2] start-distribute-efc682-0 [22:31:44] [shard2] start-distribute-efc6ac-0
Issue was fixed by suicideing all creeps that had impossible locations. I suspect a bug in my spawner's valid spawn directions code resulted in creeps that had no valid spawn directions, and this somehow resulted in their invalid locations.
It seems more like a db problem where the map is not where it should be.
Could be connected to the fact where I spawned on shard 2 and now my stuff is on shard 1 (and still nobody believes me)Your replay room doesn't match up with the actual room that is there.
Cool! Rooms with invisible cloaking. At!/history/shard2/W1N31?t=15714625 the invisible cloaking is still on, then on the next tick, it is off.
Thanks for the report, we'll take a look