Font Rendering Issue on Steam Client (Linux)
Steam client on linux have font rendering issue. Attached is how it looks like:
Linux Mint Tara 19, Cinnamon Desktop, running on Nvidia GPU with nvidia driver.
@hjsam Thanks for the report, we'll take a look
Is the issue reproducible on other distro? Because if not, I suspect it has something to do with installed font.
I am experiencing the same issue on Ubuntu 18.04, also with Nvidia GPU and
A workaround is turning off subpixel antialising.
I found similar artifacts in the font rendering in this issue.
The libchromiumcontent issue links to this one, which describes why this happens:
With a recent change, FreeType no longer adds LCD padding by default, but only when this is necessary. This changes the bitmap offset and size.
Maybe a solution could be to update the bundled version of Chromium/NW.js?