Second spawn at RCL6?

  • Right now, I feel the balance for how your rooms develop is off. Sometime around late RCL5 and into RCL6 you hit a wall where you're primarily limited by how fast your spawn can replace your creeps. It's not something you can just work around (since that energy NEEDS to be hauled, whether you do it with one big creep or three smaller ones) and it's just...stalling the game, especially for newbies like us who gain NOTHING from RCL6 - minerals (which we can't do anything without more rooms), another link (useful) and the ability to make slightly larger creeps which, again, don't have much use because your spawn is already at capacity.

    And, well, RCL6->7 would still be a big change due to your energy capacity basically doubling. Thoughts?

  • Culture

    Making this change would be very imbalanced for people with a high GCL. Being able to get both a terminal and a second spawn at RCL6 would make those rooms very powerful, especially with how fast a high level player can reach RCL6.