PTR Changelog 2016-11-01

  • Dev Team

    Yes, it doesn't depend on visibility.

  • Culture

    Is there any way we'll be able to tell when this occurs, as well as how many resources actually were sent?

    Presumably the fee calculation will be made with the new amount instead of the larger amount?

  • Dev Team

    Is there any way we’ll be able to tell when this occurs, as well as how many resources actually were sent?

    The only way to track actual transactions is to monitor them via You can come up with your own layer on top of this system (probably description-based) in order to track their execution precisely.

    Presumably the fee calculation will be made with the new amount instead of the larger amount?

    Yes, sure.

  • Would you mind sharing your rationale for this change? It seems like it might be a reaction to this discussion.

    I explicitly asked about it before because I was planning to write some code based on this mechanic. I've not only done that, my room settlement choices have been partly based on this as well. I assume I'm not the only one using this mechanic. I'm sure you can understand how this would be frustrating.

    If you (as the game designer) see this as the better decision for how terminals should work, I can get on board with that. But if you are going by the feedback in that discussion, it doesn't seem like there was anything close to a consensus. It seems like the bigger issue is whether there should be a GCL progress cap, terminal function just happens to be one of the more viable ways around that. Nerfing terminal function doesn't get at the main issue, it just breaks a lot of people's code. Even dissi wasn't complaining about terminal function itself, only that it seemed inconsistent with another mechanic.

    I realize it must be tough to find a compromise between player feedback and your own vision for how the game ought to be. What absolutely shouldn't happen is decisions being made arbitrarily, and then arbitrarily being changed again down the road. This particular issue isn't that important in itself. The bigger problem is justifying putting effort into code that breaks when game mechanics are changed for such arbitrary reasons.

  • Dev Team

    It is better in many ways. Actually, it should have been done from the start, but at that moment we didn't realize all the implications of this dropping mechanics. It spoils the purpose of a terminal as an easy-to-use resource sending mechanism. We have already disabled dropping for market transactions, and now it is just a logical step forward.

  • Culture

    Can you change the return code? Right now you have all failure codes as negative, but maybe a positive code that represents "SUCCESS_PARAMETERS_MODIFIED" or something so we can easily tell when this mechanic comes into play?

  • Dev Team

    It is not possible to know whether the transaction will be successful or not during the commands scheduling stage.

  • Bonzai, you can still, prior to unclaiming, ferry 900k energy into a storage to get the 1.8m CP required to reach RCL6. This is what I do.

  • Culture

    +1 to this. It does slow down the process of switching to other rooms a bit (~2000 ticks to refill), but it seems like that's not a big increase in ticks compared to the time to get to RCL 6. Bonzai's energy sink rooms would still work with a slight variation.

    Having said all that, I sympathize with the frustration in implementing code that uses specific mechanics to your advantage and then having to throw that out when the mechanics change.

  • Dev Team

    This change doesn't address the unclaim/claim exploit, it's just an inconsistency that should be removed.