Forced to Sacrifice to the Portal Gods
More often than not, I'm forced to sacrifice a creep to the intershard portal gods. Which portal claims a creep appears to be random. As far as I know, I don't have any naming conflicts between the shards. This seems to be different than the older intershard portal delay, where occasionally a squad of creeps would eventually arrive creep-lifetimes in the future. I've not seen the sacrificed creeps be returned. Do the portal gods simply demand sacrifice now, or is there some technical explanation?
-!/history/shard0/W30N10?t=35921000 3 creeps!/history/shard1/W20N10?t=24060573 3 creeps!/history/shard2/W20N10?t=22276003 3 creeps!/history/shard3/W20N10?t=15128911 2 creeps
That sounds like a TV show! "Three creeps, lost on a parallel shard after entering the quantum portal, take on the TTL of host creeps and cannot portal out until they solve the local programming puzzle. Will the next portal take them back home?
Have you tried checking shard 2 and three quarters? Maybe theyve gone on a fantastic magical journey
Maybe they went ahead and check arena / season
they seem to like it otherwise they would have returned by now.
We investigated the issue of creeps being consumed by The Greater Intershard Void and deployed a fix to make The Void a little bit safer today. I'm marking this topic as solved; if creeps disappearance persists, please report to the official support system.