Increasing CPU usage using local server + client on Mac

  • When I'm running the game with my quite modest colony on a local server on my iMac, with the client as well, all using the Steam version, CPU usage keeps increasing. Initially, the game uses about half the CPU of my machine, then this seems to slowly increase, and after sometimes half an hour, sometimes a couple of hours, CPU usage is pegged at 100%. Restarting everything (but not wiping my colony) resets the CPU usage to about half, but then it starts climbing again, and some time later, I have to restart again.

    Has anyone else seen this? Any tips? Is there more info I can provide to help troubleshoot?


  • Dev Team

    @drjones I think everyone saw this... For active usage, I'd recommend upgrading your installation into a more advanced setup which require more efforts to set up (mongo, redis, mods...) but proved to be more stable and performant.

  • Good to know that I'm not the only one, and that there is a way forward.

    But there is quite a difference in ease of setup for a private server between 'click this button' and 'get your own linux server and follow these instructions'. What's the dev team's plan for fixing this in the included server so that the 'click this button' option will also be stable? Or is replacing LokiJS problematic?

    In other words, should I invest the effort to get a private server just for this game that I'm trying out now, or will this apparently known bug get fixed soon-ish?

  • I think the server just reserves CPU, in a somewhat odd way by idling it.
    I can use any given heavy task even if the usage is up in the 90% the server just scales down. (and right back up once the task is done)
    I just don't understand why it is doing that and unable to give resources back.

    Could that be a effect of the IVMs?