Technical issues with a road builder
this road builder script I wrote shows an error message that one of the rooms im cyceling through is not defined...
for(let room in Game.rooms){
}(well not that easy but essentially its that ... and is it normal that "for(let room of Game.rooms){/* stuff */}" doesnt work?)
it works on every other server but not on tested it on 2 other private servers without mods, with mods, on my own private server and on ... is the only one showing this error.
i suspect theres something broken with one of the rooms...
have you tried to find out which room breaks ?
Maybe try the command in the console and add a log so you see which one won't work. I have no problem with running
for(let room in Game.rooms){ Game.rooms[room].lookAt(15,15) }
in my console.
yes i have tried that
strangely there is only 4 rooms in the Game.rooms variable (which i checked with Object.keys(Game.rooms).length ) but sometimes its more sometimes its less...
Your script can only see rooms you have "visibility" in. IE You have a creep in, or you have a building in that you own. So send a 1MOVE part scout in the room you need visibility in and handle it there.