@kyralee Don't think I saw that part, saw the parts about clearing memory while active but nothing about between respawns.
Posts made by StormWing0
RE: Memory from previous lives not clearing
Memory from previous lives not clearing
Noticed this on the server each time the server is reset while I get despawned the stuff I placed be it flags or otherwise still lurks in memory. Didn't think much of it at first but since I was focused on other things but it'll cause some headaches down the road.
Easy way to recreate this is to load up a long lists of something into memory and hang around for the server reset. Not sure if dying and respawning also causes it but well check.
RE: Room controller either not upgrading or displaying upgrades on PTR
@o4kapuk ty saw the effects of the fix on my poorly programmed bot.
I'll see if I can find anything else going haywire.
RE: Room controller either not upgrading or displaying upgrades on PTR
@o4kapuk bug still there and noticed when looking around several rooms with negative reserve level. O_o
Anyone ever experiment with moving as a group or formation? If so how'd it turn out?
Figured this game has been around long enough for someone to have tried to make their creeps move as a group or in some kind of formation and wondering what happened if anyone has.
RE: Path Generating with existing paths
@donatzor The idea was to make the paths that were found have the same value as roads at least while generating paths. Generating the paths is the easy part it's the making the ones already generated be as helpful as roads when generating new paths that's the hard part.
RE: Missing loads of CPU allocation on partially-active shards
hmm wonder what'd happen if someone maintained a stationary scout somewhere in the shard they are passing through and just replaced it before it died? Would the bug still happen?
RE: Max Spawning Distance?
@qgazq oh so that's what's going on my eyes must have glossed over that part in the tutorial.
RE: Max Spawning Distance?
Found it, the strangeness is under tutorial 4.
if(Game.spawns['Spawn1'].spawning) { var spawningCreep = Game.creeps[Game.spawns['Spawn1'].spawning.name]; Game.spawns['Spawn1'].room.visual.text( '🛠️' + spawningCreep.memory.role, Game.spawns['Spawn1'].pos.x + 1, Game.spawns['Spawn1'].pos.y, {align: 'left', opacity: 0.8}); }
RE: Max Spawning Distance?
@duckymirror ya one of the tutorials has us move the creep that was spawning out a tile for some reason. I'll see if I can find the code in a bit.
Max Spawning Distance?
Was going through the tutorials and noticed we can spawn creeps at a distance from the spawner and was wondering how far away can a creep being spawned be max.
RE: PTR Changelog 2019-02-01: Power Creeps
hmm could make the powers of the power creeps body parts to be attached to the power creep. It might make things a tad more interesting and the creep could change designs based on the parts and level.
Path Generating with existing paths
Just wondering. I'm working on road generation code and got it mostly working but wondering how to set it up to use the generated paths as needed to generate branching paths like the creeps look for existing roads over making a new path outright.
I'll post my current code if wanted.
RE: Scanning for rooms to target?
I'll see about a few ways to do that when I hop back onto a server I can do anything on.
(Which shard is affected?) All, but super noticeable in SIM. Edit: ( Nvm it affects all shards and SIM to the same levels)
(What happened?) Massive FPS lose when zoomed in yet massive FPS gain when zoomed out. When fully zoomed in I get 10fps, when fully zoomed out I get around 60. O_o
(What should have happened?) Not sure here but not losing FPS while zooming in.
(How can we reproduce this?) Watch the metrics to check what's happening when zooming in and out. Issue happens using Chrome.
A few requests for SIM mode and the SIM World
Nice game so far but it's missing a few things for SIM mode that would help when testing. We're missing a way to add new rooms be it either setting the SIM World dimensions before starting the SIM or adding one room at a time in SIM. In addition to that also being able to add bots and selecting from our branches what one the bot well use. This could help when testing against something similar to a player since the Source Creepers are nice and all but basically target practice.
Other than missing those two things it's good so far.
RE: Help me!
hmm strange was able to get onto the PTR server by basically just making sure I stayed logged into the main one despite only having messed around in SIM. That say SIM needs an add RoomToSIMWorld function of some kind so we can test multiroom code and mess around with a tad more of the game.
If all else fails a web only totally disconnected micro shard for the website end could solve some of the whining from people that don't want to play on steam or buy through steam, the players would just have to tolerate being crammed into a tuna can's worth of space. XD
Scanning for rooms to target?
Just wondering how you guys do this since I'm working on my room claiming and reserving code and left scratching my head how to target rooms nearby automatically. From what I'm seeing in the API I can expand like a Creeper but what about targeting rooms by name or even their world map position? Just wanting to know this since I can pretty much figure out the rest as needed by using scouts and such.
RE: Unable to login/activate to PTR
Side note about this I logged into the main site through Github and got into the PTR just fine so maybe there's something wrong with the types of logins?
RE: Room controller either not upgrading or displaying upgrades on PTR
lol I'm guessing from the sounds of it something is hard coded that shouldn't be hard coded and coded in two places. XD Looks like I just have to get better at hauling massive amounts of energy to the thing from nearby rooms.