@ThyReaper that was the problem! The construction can't be started when a creep is at the position.
@ThyReaper that was the problem! The construction can't be started when a creep is at the position.
I observed twice, that I can't build a ConstructionSite. To check that I stopped my Code (deleted main.js). Then I have a creep close to the construction and executed:
> Game.creeps.Riley.build(Game.getObjectById('577b07752fe3a52e25d9abde'));
< 0
But the Command didn't work. After some ticks it worked then.... Around Tick # 11726786 (W13S37).
Nice Changes. The public ramparts are the first step towards diplomacy and guilds.
Also the changed costs of renewCreep are useful. Before, the function was only useful in very special cases.
The game became Pay-To-Win, because to more CPU time you have, the more you can optimize your movements. Especially in war situations. Nevertheless, I changed that comment. BTW, I'm not angered by the recent change. The game dynamics develops in a very good direction.
I'm not interested to sympathize with you. I just promised in the screeps chat, that I share my code after I stop playing.
you can watch out my Code on Github now: https://github.com/sscholl/screeps
I stopped playing. so it is for free usage. Please "star" it, if you use it.
I'm not 100% sure, but I think I also noticed this behaviour.
I pressed both buttons, the blue and the yellow respawn button. But was not able to respawn. My Controller still exists.
Haha, can't understand that with my object orientated mind. I develop by just adjusting the prototype of your classes and creating ne "classes"
- a C++ dev -
Oh, you are right. That looks like a bug!
Probably, the rankings will be increased by cron and not every tick i think. Just wait a hour or a day.
Don't worry, u will get your points
Tested it with
Game.map.constructor === Map
returns false
I avoid this error by
Game.map.proto = Map.prototype;
I also saw 2 links on the same position. See W12S6 at controller.
you can add memory while creating
Hi, I was wondering if I can get the terrain of a RoomPosition (plain, swamp, wall). Does anybody know this?
Is it possible to transfer energy from an extension to a creep?
@chris this is just an example. There is a lot of other message types possible...
- guild actions
- trade, blackmail
- and just "MESSAGE"
Currently, the only way to use an external editor is to use GitHub right? I would prefer my own Git Hosting...
The actual question of this Post is the external editor. I did never develop JavaScript more than just hacking. What do you use?