I have 4 creep and +1 creep to upgradecontroller. Some of them have 6 works part, the others two have +10 works but, these creeps (+10 works parts) return OK but, they don't upgrade the controller.
Room is W42N15
I have 4 creep and +1 creep to upgradecontroller. Some of them have 6 works part, the others two have +10 works but, these creeps (+10 works parts) return OK but, they don't upgrade the controller.
Room is W42N15
You know in the reserved rooms there are two creep, harvester and carrier. If we transfer carrier's ticktolive to harvester. Harwester works always, I think it would be nice
Or, maybe can be add new body parts it gives that 1 tickstolive per 10 tick. and cost 250 or more.
Hi guys, When we have a lot of controlled rooms. We need some statistics about the rooms. So If we have a overview page api method. Some simple graphs api etc. We can customize our overivew page. It is just a idea. I want to code everything xD
Think that, you get the data from game loop. But loop is runing server-side, so it seems impossible.
I have a solution for creep role. Generally I set the creep names related to role. For example if the role is Harvester My creep name is Harvester8684 with random number.
I think, portals are very nice, but Generally, useless. If we can create our portals at rc8 we can make more strategy, For example, we can set the portal public, and our friends can come our room. Or we can use the portals for defence.
My other advice is transferring minerals from link, you know, we can just transffer energy. I want to create a structurelink near by extractor and transfer it.
I set the positions wrongly, I edit it it works. Sorry.
This is my code, there is no error. But it does not work, Could you help me ?
var path = creep.room.findPath(
new RoomPosition(creep.pos.x,creep.pos.y,creep.pos.roomName),
costCallback : function(roomName, costMatrix){
var hostiles = creep.pos.findInRange(FIND_HOSTILE_CREEPS, 5);
var swamps = creep.room.lookForAtArea(LOOK_TERRAIN,0,0,49,49,true);
creep.room.visual.rect(creep.pos.x - 1, creep.pos.y - 1,2, 2, {fill: 'transparent', stroke: '#f00'});
for(var swamp in swamps){
var lookObject =swamps[swamp];
if(lookObject.terrain == 'swamp'){
costMatrix.set(lookObject.x,lookObject.y, 0);
new RoomVisual(roomName).circle(lookObject.x,lookObject.y,{fill:"#ffffff"});
for(var hostile in hostiles){
for(var i=0;i<7;i++){
var x = hostiles[hostile];
x.pos.x = (x.pos.x-3+i);
x.pos.y -= 3;
costMatrix.set(x.pos.x,x.pos.y, 999);
new RoomVisual(roomName).circle(x.pos.x,x.pos.y,{fill:"#1ba8e0"});
for(var i=0;i<7;i++){
var x = hostiles[hostile];
x.pos.x = (x.pos.x-3+i);
x.pos.y += 3;
costMatrix.set(x.pos.x,x.pos.y, 999);
new RoomVisual(roomName).circle(x.pos.x,x.pos.y,{fill:"#1ba8e0"});
for(var i=0;i<4;i++){
var x = hostiles[hostile];
x.pos.x -= 3;
x.pos.y = (x.pos.y3-2+i);
costMatrix.set(x.pos.x,x.pos.y, 999);
new RoomVisual(roomName).circle(x.pos.x,x.pos.y,{fill:"#1ba8e0"});
for(var i=0;i<4;i++){
var x = hostiles[hostile];
x.pos.x += 3;
x.pos.y = (x.pos.y3-2+i);
costMatrix.set(x.pos.x,x.pos.y, 999);
new RoomVisual(roomName).circle(x.pos.x,x.pos.y,{fill:"#1ba8e0"});