Creating StructurePortall at RC8 And Transfering mineral from StructureLink

  • I think, portals are very nice, but Generally, useless. If we can create our portals at rc8 we can make more strategy, For example, we can set the portal public, and our friends can come our room. Or we can use the portals for defence.

    My other advice is transferring minerals from link, you know, we can just transffer energy. I want to create a structurelink near by extractor and transfer it.


  • Culture

    I would love to be able to transfer minerals from links. This is a great idea.

    I disagree that portals are useless- every major war since portals have come out have utilized them in one way or another. This isn't to say I'm opposed to making a player controllable portal, but I do want to be clear that portals are pretty useful as is.