Remove playerName from Neutral Structures please

  • I know that container is a neutral structure, and reflects this by not having an owner: label, and is searched with FIND_STRUCTURE instead of FIND_MY_STRUCTURE.

    However my understanding is that Storage was changed to effectively be a neutral structure as well since anybody can now transfer (withdraw) from it now ignoring ownership. Which leaves me rather confused. Is it a neutral structure now or not? Do I search it with FIND_MY_STRUCTURE or with FIND_STRUCTURE? Does it need to still belong to the ownedStructure prototype at all ?

    It just seems rather inconsistent.

  • Culture

    Anyone already could transfer from any storage. You can defend your storages with a rampart. This prevents enemies from taking your energy.

    Finding a storage in a room is best done by using the property. No need to run a find!

    Happy screepsing!

  • While that is certainly a helpful shortcut, that's not the point at all.

    Is there any reason that storage is not classified as a neutral object?

    Does it require any of the additional properties or methods in ownedStructure to function?

    As near as I can tell, the answer at this point is no. Structures can still be restricted to build by RCL (e.g. walls), and it can still test if a storage exists preventing anyone from trying to build two of them. Anybody can transfer to/from the object. Why is it an owned structure exactly?


  • Culture

    It's not possible to dump things into te storage that are not yours. You also can't dump things in it if your RCL is lower than 4.

  • Dev Team

    The Storage is an owned structure. If your room controller level drops below 4, its capacity is set to 0. When you conquer another player's room with the existing storage, you have to build your own storage, since the hostile one will be of zero capacity.