Moving Game Objects

  • So this idea is a little out there, but it could work provided it's done well. The idea is as follows:


    •  Upon reaching RCL8 in a room, you are able to move one of the game objects (source, controller, or mineral).
    •  You can only move one object, once.
    •  Dropping RCL level will not allow you to move another object once you are back at RCL8.
    •  The only way to move another object is to unclaim the room entirely, and work back up to RCL8.


    A lot of rooms won't need this but it has a lot of potential. Here are a few ideas for this feature:


    1. Sabotaging a Room. If a hostile player is coming in to take over your room, you can move the controller to a corner of the room before being wiped.
    2. Improving a Room. There are some rooms that have awful positioning. Two sources adjacent to one another; a controller or mineral on the other end of the room; any two of a different type within a close proximity. All of these would be cause to move an object.

  • After some thought, RCL may not be the best trigger for a feature of this kind. Larger players will be able to reach it with haste. An alternative is x ticks as well as a minimum RCL requirement. At least 2 weeks worth of ticks in the room and at least RCL 5/6.

    These amendments should make a feature like this a little more balanced.

  • YP

    While this sounds funny that would be way to powerful. It would take a while but some day in the future all rooms would look the same with the sources and controller moved to a corner to be milked with minimal overhead.

    I think it's important that rooms have different values depending on their random layout.. and it should not be possible to make every room great again.

  • W4rl0ck, what if you only had so many moves per account? There are rooms that are useless without this possibility, i.e. E29N88. In that room the mineral is almost useless - you can't even place a container by it.

  • YP

    Yeah .. but it's an important part of the game that there are good rooms and bad rooms. It would become stale if you could transform rooms into better rooms.

    Picking the best rooms in a sector is part of the game... others that also want the best rooms in the sector is also part of the game. Creating your own best rooms is not.. and should not be part of the game.

    Even if you only have so many moves ... the next owner also would have so many moves .. and one day all rooms will be great rooms.