Creep 'diplomats'

  • Culture

    Now that creeps can talk publicly and their text is available programmatically some of us have been talking about coming up with a shared protocol, which lead to this idea.

    I was thinking that a new 'diplomat' feature could easily be added. It would involve a new creep part, which would-

    * Grant that specific creep a larger speech bubble and increased 'talk' space, allowing for more complex messages to be sent.

    * Allow users to easily identify "diplomats" by looking at creep body parts and recognizing the ones with just MOVE/DIPLOMACY parts.


    Obviously being able to talk also requires a shared language, but I think the community can come up with that on their own. Users who don't want to participate in automatic diplomacy can ignore the feature altogether, while those that do would have an interesting tool for trying it.

  • I think it would be much more fun if the community comes up with the shared language. Personally I think it would be fun if it replaced the planned market feature, though that might be a bit of a stretch.

  • Culture

    With an increase to 32 characters this would be a nice idea. I don't think we need any diplomacy parts (unless infinite life for moving large distances ) we can use the saying property to properly identify creeps otherwise.