Room history broken often if more than one player present

  • Culture

    If more than one players has creeps in a room at the same time, often you get the "NO DATA" message when looking at room history, rather than being able to see what happened. This is kind of a bummer, because room history when two players are interacting is usually the most interesting. I suspect this started weeks ago, but since room history works most of the time, it took a while to narrow down when the problem actually occurs.

    Recent example:!/history/W44N47?t=15944033!/history/W43N47?t=15944033

    Here you can see an errant bootstrapper of mine in W44N47 wandering toward FuddyDuddy's room at W43N47. He does have a creep in W44N47, so it's not 100% of the time that more than one player is present. Maybe just if there's combat? Or if the room is claimed?!/history/W43N47?t=15944079

    Here's the last tick that room history data is available. My bootstrapper is two steps away from entering the room.

    Ticks 15944080 - 15944099 are unavailable. I suspect the data gets saved serverside in 10-tick blocks, and something in those blocks ended up as invalid data and can't be retrieved.!/history/W43N47?t=15944100

    Here room history has returned, and the only evidence we have that something happened is a pile of corpse energy by the west entrance and towers that aren't quite topped off anymore.

    What happened in there? What did my creep see that had to be silenced!?

    Seriously though, this happened a lot in room battles a week or two ago, and it made it hard to watch how well automated defense code did.

  • Also visible here!/history/W78N36?t=15957041 during my first invade of a hostile fort. 

  • Culture

    Fixing this would certainly make our war notification bots more interesting.