Season #7 announcement

  • Dev Team

    Welcome to Season 7, brave adventurers!

    season 7 promo

    A thrilling new world awaits, where every player begins their journey with GCL/GPL 1 and 100 CPU. This season's rules are almost identical to the Season 1, but with an exciting twist: the world is unequal! Upper areas are teeming with resources, while the lower areas present a more challenging landscape.

    New resource items will randomly appear in all rooms, ready for the taking. Gather these precious items and transport them to special structures located in crossroad rooms to boost your season score. But beware! These structures are initially barricaded by massive walls, requiring you to dig your way through to reach them. The players who deliver the most score resource will claim the ultimate season rewards.

    Other game changes include the market being unavailable and terminal structures only able to send resources to your own terminals. And as always, there will be no portals. Prepare yourself for an epic battle of wits and strategy. Good luck, and may the best strategist triumph!


  • @o4kapuk said in Season #7 announcement:

    Upper areas are teeming with resources, while the lower areas present a more challenging landscape

    So this seems to be ~2/3rds 2 source rooms up top, vs ~1/3rd on the bottom.

    Does this include score spawning more at the top, less at the bottom?

    Does score choose a room, then a spot in the room? Or does it choose a spot from non-wall spots? That is, does a room with more walls get the same or less score than a room with fewer walls?