Room.Visual Sometimes Does Not Exist

  • I've been seeing bugs since 4AM EST today that state:

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'text' of undefined

    The error cites the line "thisRoom.visual.text(...", thisRoom being a reference to the current room, which is successfully used prior to this call.

    It appears this bug is not consistent, as in every couple of ticks the .visual segment is undefined. I've been successfully using the .visual functions without error for a couple of days now, and haven't made any changes to them since I put them in, so it looks like some small update has caused this issue.

    As a side note, escaping this specific line with if(room.visual){} will only cause the next room.visual.text call to error.

  • Same here. I've been getting the issue every few ticks for the past 3 - 5 hours. It seems to happen very randomly.

  • I also have gotten several of these errors starting about 5 hours ago

  • I received the 1st error email notification at exactly 4:00 AM EST. The error persists as described by others.

  • Dev Team

    Some server nodes switched to a stale code branch. It is fixed, the error should not appear anymore.