Deleting a Tunnel construction site leaves energy on wall
Which shard is affected?
All shardsWhat happened?
I had placed construction sites for Tunnels in a room, but changed my mind because of the high energy cost.
When I deleted a construction site that was already in progress, energy dropped on the construction site location - which, given that this was a tunnel, was on the terrain wall:!/history/shard2/W41N24?t=10647462 At the linked tick one build action has just been completed. The next tick the constructionSite is removed and the energy on top of the wall at
(10, 20)
, though barely visible because the pile is only 11 energy big.What should have happened?
I'm not really sure if the current behavior is intended behavior.
Personally I would expect the invested energy to drop on the nearest non-wall tile, or not drop at all.How can we reproduce this?
- Place a tunnel/road
on top of a terrain wall. - Wait for some building progress to have been made.
- Destroy the
- Place a tunnel/road
Why is this an issue? You can still pick it up from an adjacent tile.
@artch because it can also happen on tiles that are not adjacent to any walkable tile.
If the construction sites were removed in a different order, the site on (11, 20) would have been the one that had the progress and therefore energy drop on an inaccessible location.
Yes, the same would happen when a tunnel disappears when some creep is staying there, it may find itself in a blocked location, and its tombstone will also be inaccessible. It feels consistent and intended behavior.