Feature Request: Notification API

  • Culture

    I know it's going to be awhile before we have a solid API authentication system with controllable permissions. I think we've done a good job of working around that, and the admins have been great at letting us use that or even expand it.

    While trying to come up with a way to implement a feature into one of the open source projects without having to store user credentials I had an idea for a feature that can really help bridge the gap- a notification api.

    * Players can register URLs in their account and give them labels (there can be a sane limit to the number they're allowed- five should cover it).

    * The `notify` function can take one of those points as a second argument, at which point a payload is scheduled to be sent to the specified server (presumably some sort of queue can be maintained and a non-game processing server can take care of it).

    * Sane rate limiting, similar to how the current notification system works, can be included.

    This would make it easier for people to setup external services without having to deal with sharing user credentials, and should be significantly easier than setting up a permissions system for an API. Many of us are emulating this behavior already with the screeps-notify project, and by switching from a "pull" to a "push" system it could help cut down on overhead as well.

  • Culture

    I've been thinking about this a bit more, and it seems like what i'm asking for is closer to "event hooks" than an API. What I'm imagining is that the players can set up "hooks" on their accounts for specific actions-

    * New Message

    * Uncaught Error (including script timeouts)

    * Notifications (ie, Game.notify- it would be great if this could be broken down further)