How are novice areas working?

  • Until this evening I thought novice areas protect me from enemy attacks as I was unable to attack any area that was in novice mode. However then admon came by with a massive, boosted fighter creep, ate my spawn and left, with 6 days novice mode left on my room.

    Do I have to script something to get that novice system working properly?

  • Culture

    You're confusing safemode with novice zones. 

    Novice zones area the green areas on the map. The benefit of spawning in them is that other established players from outside the zone can not send attackers or nukes into the zone. Another benefit is that there isn't a cooldown timer on "safemode" when you are in the novice zone.

    Novice zones still allow PVP though, it's just restricted to players who are already into the novice zone. Since admon is in the same novice zone as you he can reach out to attack you.

    What you should do is set it up so your code checks to see if you are no longer in safemode, and then have it trigger safemode if you are under attack and have no way to defend.

  • Ok, good to know, thanks!

    That really should be in the Wiki. 😉

  • Culture

    The best part about the wiki being a wiki is that you can edit it whenever you want! You should add these notes into the wiki now so others will have it in the future.

  • Dev Team