Option for `Room.findPath`
I would like to see an option for path finding which ignores the terrain costs (e.g. swamp or road) and instead finds the "real" shortest path possible.
Room.findPath options: * ignoreTerrain : boolean ignores the costs imposed by terrain (e.g. roads or swamp)
I think this is already achieved by setting heuristicWeight to 0?
The spec is very vague on that, but I'm pretty sure, that hW 0 yields the best path possible. Setting it to a hery high value yields less optimal paths (it is unclear however, which value is appropriate).
I do want to find the optimal path - however not in movement costs, but in terms of steps.
You can achieve that by setting
to any large value, say, 1000. You can read more about A* search algorithm in this Wikipedia article.