Simulation API

  • 2 features to round out simulation.
    1) Simulation API for the customize button. Screeps is all about not clicking, it would be nice to be able to create a room with a script so that I can test something.
    2) 2 room simulation. The only way to move from the tutorial script starter to more than 1 room is in the game. Having a 2 room simulation or even a 3x3 grid would be very awesome.

    Special Mention) When performing actions via clicking, such as customize in simulation, or placing a construction site. It would be really awesome if the code for the click actions were placed in the console. I would assume that the clicks already get translated into some command anyway. If you did this before #1, we'd be able to figure out the api and the documentation wouldn't be such a rush.


  • room.createConstructionSite does exist, so that can also be done in the console. I'm not sure about the simulation customization.

  • I knew about the room.createConstructionSite, I guess in simulation it is all running on the client side, so if I ever got bored enough I could probably figure it out. I was thinking if they logged the createConstructionSite it would be like kind of an extended tutorial. So far I'm still clicking, but it would be nice to just set a few memory paramaters, check out for a week and see if I come back to a RCL6 with all supporting stuff built.