PTR Changelog 2016-02-02

  • Dev Team

    This describes the changes on the Public Test Realm.

    Introduced new CLAIM body part. It costs 600 energy units and has the following effects:

    • Claims a neutral room controller under your control.

    • Reserves a neutral room controller for 1 tick per body part.

    • Attacks a hostile room controller timer with 1 tick per 10 body parts.

    A creep with this body part will have a reduced life time of 500 ticks and cannot be renewed.

    Creep.claimController and Creep.reserveController effects are changed accordingly.

    Controllers will now restore the progress to the maximum when downgrading to the previous level.

    Energy sources now cannot be harvested if the room controller is reserved or owned by another player.

    Decreased tower effectiveness at a distance:

    • Attack: from 600 hits at range 5 to 150 hits at range 25.
    • Heal: from 400 hits at range 5 to 100 hits at range 25.
    • Repair: from 600 hits at range 5 to 150 hits at range 25.


  • SUN

    A tower is not an imba anymore, that's fine

  • Awesome, it was basically impossible to take a room once a tower went up.


    How long does a change usually stay on PTR be moving to live?

  • Dev Team

    @ganz: Until it's tested enough. A few days usually.

  • Is max tower range decreased to 25?

  • @ganz even more impossible, the whole progress is saved so if you drop it to RCL1 it only takes them 7 ticks to get it back to 8

  • Dev Team

    @Kasyx: No, their range is the entire room.

  • @fezeral I understood this differently. Now this cannot happen anymore because basically you cannot have more experience on your controller than the current level allows. Means, if you are 10M xp into level 8 and then let the controller deteriorate back to level 1, previously you could use those remaining 10M xp to get back to level 6 basically instantly, while after the patch, you lose all xp other than the 200 you need for level 2!

  • @Artem wrong thread?

    @chris that was based on testing on PTR done by irc folks