PTR Changelog 2016-02-15

  • Dev Team

    This describes the changes on the Public Test Realm.

    Introduced new PathFinder module. 

    This module has been created by Marcel Laverdet (aka The_General) and has the following features:

    • It is implemented in fully native C++ code and makes use of JPS algorithm which drastically improves performance.
    • It contains hardcoded terrain data for all the world rooms. The search can span multiple rooms even through rooms you can't see, although you won't be able to detect any dynamic obstacles like creeps or buildings.
    • You can use CostMatrix instances to modify move costs for certain positions during the search.

    This module is experimental and disabled by default. Run PathFinder.use(true) in order to enable it in the game methods.

    API Changes

    Added new options to Room.findPath method:

    • costCallback
    • ignoreRoads
    • maxRooms

    Options ignore, avoid, and heuristicWeight cannot be used when the new PathFinder is enabled. Use costCallback option instead.

  • Culture

    "The search can span multiple rooms even through rooms you can't see, although you won't be able to detect any dynamic obstacles like creeps or buildings"


    So, If we make sure we got vision, the path finder automatically detects and avoids walls for example?

  • Dev Team

    @Dissi: yes, exactly. And even if we have no vision, it will still consider terrain walls and swamps, and different configurations of exits.