Game Mechanic Constants

  • I brought this up months ago, but I feel it's important enough to bring up again. It would be very helpful to have a list of all constants associated with all the mechanics in the game. Apparently the majority of constants I'd find useful are already defined, but I'm just not aware of them, and I'm sure new players wouldn't be either.

    To be clear, I'm referring to things like the range, effect, costs, health, etc of any action or object in the game.

  • Culture

  • Thanks for the link tedivm, I just wanted to recommend


    I would like them to use  symbols though, since with the current approach you have a lot of key collisions. Admittedly, it's rather unlike to mess things up, but still it doesn't look nice if you see something like this return true:



  • Thanks for pointing out that file, that'll be helpful. Still, I'd prefer it to be officially documented - otherwise, the constants aren't necessarily guaranteed to be defined going forward.