PTR Changelog 2016-05-04

  • Dev Team

    This post describes changes on the Public Test Realm. The estimated launch date is May 12.

    • Introduced new Creep.attackController method. This is now the way to decrease downgrade or reservation time instead of Creep.claimController. In addition, attacking a controller now prevents it from being upgraded for the next 1,000 ticks.
    • Added StructureController.upgradeBlocked property.

  • Culture

    Is it possible to change "attackController" so it works from 3 squares away? I found myself using Creep.claimController on 1-spaced controller which took quite a while, while I had enough energy to support 4+ 15-claim creeps



    Can we defend the controller with Ramparts to avoid downgrades? This seems like a nice solution to prevent abuse of attackController over walls

  • Without allowing rampart on controller, you can also apply the 1000-tick protection on upgrading to prevent the attackController abuse too (i.e. a controller needs to be stopped from upgrading for 1000-tick before it can be attacked, just like it needs to be stopped from attacked 1000-ticks before it can be upgraded. Also give a nice defender advantage.

  • Dev Team

    attackController is close to attack by its semantics, so range 1 is fine in this case. When the controller has just one spot, think of it as a well protected controller, like a wall in an one spot chokepoint.