Are there any plans on how to reward expansion, fighting and conquering? At the moment it feels a bit like simcity - everybody is building their own pretty city and asides from a few skirmishes nothing "exciting" in terms of fighting happens.
There should be a fight ranking influencing GCL and possibly other mechanics (e.g. building higher tier attack creeps, unlocking new offensive/defensive buildings,...).
Nothing against conquer games, but everybody should at least know a bit of defense at a certain point I guess. I wouldn't like it if there is some situation where half the world stays empty or destroyed just because 1 decides to do some trolling and nobody can or wants to fight against it.
I think a lack of space will result in fighting. Good rooms are scarce and with increasing GCL each player will want more rooms. New spawning players will spawn (probably) at the outer edges of the available world which should grow based on the map coverage.
I think the most important thing is to keep the game attractive for players that have regional dominance, since destroyed players will not come back in their area and creep life (30 mins) limits the maximum travel distance.
While I don't disagree that it would be nice to have more rankings around fighting and strength, I know I'm focusing on just getting a solid economy going at the moment. Once I get to the point that I can just place a spawn and come back in a few days to a nicely-running room, I'll be much more interested in starting to figure out warfare.
Though FYI, I did have a neighbor send a single enemy into my room and destroy it a couple times before I built basic defense. I'm tempted to do something similar soon: just have a couple creeps wandering around the board randomly, attacking anything they see. That'll at least get people thinking a bit about defense (and possibly how to attack me back
Don't worry - nugarin is here, clearing one simcity at the time.
Nugarin, wiping a few newbies or some guys who are unable to debug their messy code in realtime [ I see where your comment is aiming to...
] doesn't change the fact, that fighting and conquering feels unattractive at the moment. There is neither a ranking nor any other rewards, which makes it desirable to invest time into developing advances combat strategies atm.
Chris: This is a sandbox MMO, so you get to choose your own goals. If you want to ignore the expansion rank leaderboard and focus on wiping other players off the map, then go for it.
If you do want to link attacking other players with progressing up the leaderboard, then here's how I would do it. Every player above me on the leaderboard who isn't spending energy on control while I still am is a player that I can eventually pass.