Request: Don't reset RoomVisuals each tick

  • Culture

    It would be nice if we could add something to remove visual and have it stay until the clear function was called, or have it time out over X number of tickets. This would let us skip running all the code to generate it each tick, without the negative side effect of flickering visuals.

  • Culture

    I can see this coming in handy. An extra parameter to say the visual element should "last multiple ticks" would be nice.

    I'd plead for it not being readable by the user code, else we have another way to storing memory in a creative way just like the "flags fiasco".

  • Perhaps this could be done entirely client side - so visuals themselves would never be relayed to the client if they were published on a previous tick, but if the code published visuals every 15 ticks say, the client would retain any visuals received for that number? (specified in code)

  • I'd prefer for this to be something to opt into.  ie: you have to set something explicitly in the options of the visual call to make it persist.  I do see this as being handy, and potentially a CPU saver in some scenarios.

    You could get fancy, do something like give each visual a "group", and then when you call the clear method pass an optional group name that only clears visuals of that group, or if not passed just clear everything that was persisted.

  • Great idea, I'd love to see this implemented.  As it stands I'm wondering if I should implement my own caching, which would use potentially a lot of CPU/RAM, as I'm using visuals to see the results of very intense calculations (automatic room layout, etc).  It is not feasible to run those every tick to keep the visuals on screen - if there was a client-side way to keep the visuals it would be really handy.