Error unable to find path

  • I have created a small script. After some trying I cannot find where my mistake is... I keep getting error no path found (creep.moveto() returns -2). Here is my code:

    var roleHarvester = {
    /** @param {Creep} creep **/
    run: function(creep) {
        if( < creep.carryCapacity) {
            var source =[1];
            if(creep.harvest(source) == ERR_NOT_IN_RANGE) {
                console.log('x: ' + source.pos.x);
                console.log('y: ' + source.pos.y);
                if (creep.moveTo(source) == -2) {
                    console.log('Cannot find path');
        else {
            if(creep.transfer(Game.spawns['Spawn1'], RESOURCE_ENERGY) == ERR_NOT_IN_RANGE) {
    module.exports = roleHarvester;

    It shows in the log:

    x: 11
    y: 30
    Cannot find path

    The x and y value are the correct values of the source.


    Why can't it find it's path?

  • same issue that have been reported here i guess:

    Basically the terrain is "wall" where it should not be. Seen a lot of people reporting this.