@shedletsky if you would like to write more java/C# style classes in js you can look at the new class syntax in es6 (which the screeps version of node uses) documented here. after that tweak class syntax is mostly in line with what you would expect from other OOP languages, and you can use it as such.
If you want to add types I would really recommend using typescript, it is written by M$ and (despite that jab) is excellent for adding on-the-go typing to a typeless language. typescript just lets you run a transpile into normal javascript but does type validation beforehand. it also has a sublime plugin which works pretty good.
To really understand lodash and its power (and the power of alot of JS in general) I would recommend doing some research/reading on closures. especially what they mean for passing functions around (not as useful for screeps but very powerful with promises in other contexts).