Have you seen http://screeps.high5r.com/making-a-screeps-client/
I know this might have an serious impact on server performace, but it looks soooo cool
Have you seen http://screeps.high5r.com/making-a-screeps-client/
I know this might have an serious impact on server performace, but it looks soooo cool
@tigga thanks for the answers!
Just to be sure. That means an enemy creep would be able to do 9 times the damage of its ATTACK parts, if it is attacked by eight creeps?
Does this apply to NPCs, too? I had calculated a fight with a Source Keeper, for a specialized creep. I assumed 400 HP/t (ranged and close) attack power by the source keeper. So it would do 3600 damage over 9 ticks. My creep had exactly the attack power to kill the source keeper within these 9 ticks. If the damage would have been reflected it would be 700 damage (400 ranged and attack, 300 reflected) per tick, which my creep would not have been able to survive. But the creep I had designed is working quite well.
Or does this not apply if the creep I am attacking is attacking me, too?
And a last question: doesn't this give a ranged attack massive advantage over close range attack? You can easily create a creep which is able to kite. It might be more expensive, but just to think about the needed healing for attacking other attack creeps makes me shiver.
By the way, I am currently moving into your neighborhood (though a portal). I have seen creeps of you creeping around me
I stumbled upon this section of the documentation of creep.attack()
"If the target is a creep with ATTACK body parts and is not inside a rampart, it will automatically hit back at the attacker."
Some questions about this:
1.) Does this mean, if I attack an enemy creep with multiple creeps the enemy will hit back multiple times?
2.) Asume 1.) as false. If an enemy creep is attacking a wall and I attack him, does it force the enemy to attack my creep and NOT the wall?
3.) I have read in some older reddit posts, that the hit back is as hard as the attack itself. So if my creep has 25 ATTACK and the enemy has only one, the hitback would be 25 ATTACK and not only one. This seems highliy unlogical. Is it (still) true? Or was it any time?
Thanks for the answers! Greetings Draco
I find it rather useless to see the room stats in timeframes like minutes/hours/days. While the tick duration varies it makes comparison between the timeframes quite hard.
Wouldn't it be better if we use ticks instead? Like 1500 ticks, 300 ticks and so on. So if a room has harvested 30k energy within 1500 ticks, I would know that this room works perfectly. I can't find this out with 1h frames.
Kindest regards