Can be both. Code is proposed by the party creating the offer, and an offer can be created by any party. When you create an offer, you write code and choose one of two options:
I am the client (I pay)
I am the contractor (I execute the code)
Glad to hear. Is there any plan to support "catalog" contracts? (i.e. the contractor creates a "catalog entry" for remote mine defense), and players are free to accept that offer with certain terms (e.g. {room: "W12N14", whitelist:["Alice","Bob","James"]}), and the contract module contains a function to calculate the cost for different parameter sets.
Little example pseudocode I wrote for a module:
//@param options.room: string (Room name of room to be defended)
//@param options.whitelist: string[] (People to not shoot at)
module.exports.loop = function(options) {
if no creep exists
spawn creep
return false
if creep.room != options.room
moveTo room
return false
hostiles=find creeps not in options.whitelist
if (hostiles.length>0)
return true
module.exports.bid = function(options) {
myroom=find my closest room to options.room
range=distance between myroom and options.room
if (range>10) {
return false; //No-bid on this one.
} else {
//bid 100*range credits as a contractor's fee.
return 100*range;
Without at least automating simple contracts like this with variable parameters, I can't see contracts becoming very useful. (This lowers the barrier to entry so that even small 1000-tick-long contracts could be practical. If 2 people need to be online at the same time and negotiating, working with contracts would be a massive effort and inconvenience.)
While I understand that automated code-review is not something that you would be interested in allowing, if a module like that could be setup as a non-editable offer in a player's "catalog", then other players could manually review the code, and have their code automatically request quotes/bids for tasks.
I don't see contracts being very useful if you have to negotiate them every time. Imagine if you had to negotiate the price of food with the manager every time you went to the store! Trade would be impossible.
It is handled as usual, you will see an error in your console.
But if contracts are "read-only", is there any way to fix this error? Perhaps have something like: if a contract fails an assert()
, then it dies at no cost to either player?