I find it hard to believe novice players will be able to harvest power
I think you might be overestimating the difficulty in harvesting power. From a "difficulty to script" point of view it's pretty much on par with harvesting energy from another room.
I mean, rather than programming a creep to navigate to a source and harvest, you program a creep to navigate to a power bank and attack, and rather than program a creep to reserve a controller, you program a creep to heal your attacker. Transporting the power back is the same task as transporting energy back, and you still need to program respawning when creeps die in both cases. All and all, you're doing the same thing just with different body parts and function calls.
Now, whether or not that's going to be the best use of energy is going to depend on exactly what power creeps do. It's a much more expensive use of energy to harvest power than energy, and right now it's not worthwhile for a novice to spend his energy pursuing that, but that's only because you don't actually get anything in return for harvesting power right now. Once power scripts do something, it may or may not be worthwhile for a novice, but that's more dependent on what the rewards are than how hard it is to do.