Very much needed Body Part: "Range"

  • Please implement a "Range" body part. It would give many rooms a new value especially with the dense population that we have right now.

    You all know how it's not recommended to start in a room with 1 resource , or how annoying it is to have a room on which a resource / node has only one accessible side which creates a pretty unfair unbalance between the rooms.

    The "Range" body part would heal you from this pain. You already got it for builders, healers, upgraders and co. so why not for harvesting / mining?


    - Increases the harvesting & mining range of the creep by one tile per body-part. Max 2/3 tiles.

    - Cost of 1 body part slot per part (normal)
    - Resource / Energy node depletes much faster


    I think this is much needed and would also give new player much more options on where they can place their controller. It w'd be fairly balanced way of doing it.

    What are your thoughts?

  • Culture

    For mining this seems kinda overkill. A single 5 WORK creep can outmine a single source by itself. If you asd couriers which carry the energy from the harvester you're pretty much set.

    You only need 550 energy per creep to mine out a single source.