Camouflage structure

  • Hides a unit from enemy view. Low hit points, doesn't absorb damage, maybe decays. Pretty much just a z-order draw change if you're not the owner of the creep.

    Doesn't need to disguise as another structure, we don't need to hide that the camouflage is there, just add a little uncertainty as to whether a defender is hiding under it or not, or whether an opponent is staging an attack force.

  • I like this idea.

    I could see the uses being numerous, for a relatively low cost. If they have low health, but decay slowly, you could possibly put them over roads to mask troop movements. 

    Personally, my question would be if you could build them in neutral rooms, because that could lead to some interesting tactics. (Source keepers would need to autoattack or some such, I'd think.) I'd probably treat them like ramparts, because they fulfill a similar function (keeping your creeps from getting murdered) from a different approach.

    Question: If it doesn't absorb damage, does that mean I'd have to blindly attack that position (damaging both the unit under it and the camo net itself), or... how would that mechanic work?

  • I'm pretty flexible on the implementation details. Maybe it's a purely aesthetic, visual change and doesn't affect the find or look calls, as you need room visibility still, which means you would either need a unit in the room or an observer. Even if it only affects the UI, it could still offer a minor strategic difference.